Temple Pic.

Temple Pic.
Tegucigalpa, Honduras Temple

Thursday, February 6, 2014

I finally made it!

AAAHHH!!! I finally made it! It has been such a long day and it's only five thirty! I just want you all to know that we made it here safely even whilst driving only inches away from the cars next to us! The CCM (Spanish for MTC) campus is absolutely beautiful and it's huge! There are palm trees everywhere and it is so warm here! I can't wait to get to explore it a little bit! Also when we arrived they announced to us that this Sunday Elder Oakes is coming to dedicate the grounds as a mission training center. Isn't that awesome to think that my group will be the first group here when this place is officially dedicated! I am so excited! Also I have a nametag now!! It makes me feel so official walking around wearing a badge with my name on it! I left my camera in my other bag so I don't have pictures to send yet, but I promise I'll send some next time I get to e-mail. Speaking of..... my P-day is on Wed. Also mom if you pull out my call packet it has my MTC address with blanks in it! Here are the blanks... My branch is 11, District A, and I don't know if you need this but my apartment is 41-1.... Hopefully that's everything you need and if not just let me know! I just want you all to know that I love you so much and I'm going to miss you like crazy! But I have already met some awesome people (Including the girl that is going to the same mission as me) and I am so excited to get to know them even better! The Lord loves us all and I ,along with all of these other missionaries, would not be where we are today if we didn't know that was true. He's always watching out for us even when we feel scared or along. He will be there for you if you just ask for his guidance and strength to make it through the next time. Well just wanted to let you know that I'm alive and well and miss you guys already!

Love always,

Hermana Hansen

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