Hermana Hansen
Temple Pic.

Tegucigalpa, Honduras Temple
Monday, October 6, 2014
October 6 2014
general conference was amazing! It was so spiritually uplifting and I heard and
learned a few things that I think were directly meant for me or my
investigators. I got to watch 3 of the 4 sessions, and even better in English
with an Hermana named Belkiss! She is so great and I am grateful that she could
watch it with me. I loved when Neil L Anderson quoted our prophet saying
"...No force in the entire world can stop the work of God." This is
something that I have to remind myself often when things don't turn out how I
thought or hoped they would have. For example, this Saturday we were
supposed to have a baptism, but our investigator didn't show up to the
conference or to his baptism that was going to happen afterwards. I was pretty
upset and heart-broken, which I think is a sign that I have gained a true love
for all of my investigators in this area. But, the closing hymn of the Sunday morning
session has a line that hit me pretty hard. It says, "Fear not I am with
thee oh be not dismayed; For I am thy God and will still give thee aid."
That was exactly what I needed to hear to feel the love and comfort from my
savior that everything was going to be alright. Also, President Monson stressed
the importance of walking AS Christ. In our path we will find bitter sorrow,
but also great happiness and joy. However, to we must strive to place Christ in
the center of our lives. I hope you all
got the opportunity to hear the words of our beloved prophet and his apostles
and learned something that will bring you closer to our savior Jesus Christ. I
know with all my heart that this church is true and that it was restored
through Joseph Smith. I know that Thomas S. Monson is our true and living
prophet on the earth today and that his words are the words of God. If we heed
the words of our prophet I know that we will witness miracles and witness
important changes in our lives. I share this small portion of my testimony with
you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
With Much Love,
Hermana Hansen
Monday, September 29, 2014
September 29 2014
Dearest Family,
This week
we had inter-cambios again and this time I got to stay in Country and Hna
Ludlow came to visit me for a day. It was super fun and I didn't realize how
much I've missed speaking English until she came. I learned a couple things
from her, 1. The time passes by so quickly on the mission so we have to take
advantage of every moment and enjoy it and use the time we are given wisely and
2. In the mission I've learned to have a different idea of what is clean and
what is dirty. For example in the morning sometimes I pour out my cereal and
find ants in, but we've found that the best solution is to just pour in the
milk wait about 6 seconds for all the ants to run out and then enjoy the
wonderful, nutritious bowl of cereal.... Ya, I don't think I ever would have
done that at home, but you do what you gotta do in the mission.
Also, we
had a baptism this week!!! His name is Diego and he's 9 years old. His mom is a
recent convert also, but they were super wonderful and supportive in his
baptism. His dad, Orlin, spoke and shared a brief, but powerful testimony about
the temple and the desire he has to go there with his wife and family someday.
It was a beautiful heart-touching testimony. Watching one of your
converts get baptized is one of the most rewarding things that can happen on
the mission.
companion and I have also learned this week that it is better to be direct when
teaching rather than beat-around-the-bush. The scriptures tell us (in 1 Nephi)
that the wicked will take the truth to be hard, but in D&C it tells us that
God's chosen will hear word and accept the invitation to repent and be
baptized. So when we teach directly we are able to find out if the people we
are teaching are chosen or if it isn't quite their time yet. I really love being
a missionary and love sharing the gospel with others everyday. Sometimes it's a
little frustrating and we have our low times, but the baptisms and high times
more than make up for those rough days. I love you all so much!
Con Amor,
Hermana Hansen
Monday, September 22, 2014
September 22 2014
companion and I had an AWESOME week! It was a little frustrating the first 2
weeks, because we hardly had any investigators and less progressing. But, this
week was completely different. We found so many new people to teach and a lot
of them actually have a desire to hear our message and ask God if this is all
true. I have this great feeling that we're going to start having some baptisms
in the next couple of weeks. I'm not exactly sure when, but I've got faith that
it's going to happen. I've learned this week that sometimes we make awesome
plans that we think our perfect, but then we head out the door and our day goes
not even close to according to plan. However, this week, those days were the
most successful and best days we had. It's funny how God works sometimes. He
tries to teach us the importance of relying on him always. And even though we
had some CRAZY days, this week has been the best week I've had in a while. We
were also super blessed to have a Reunion de Nuevos, with all the trainers and
their trainees this week and it was wonderful. President talked a lot about the
importance of having unity in your companship and how we always have to work
together and treat each other as equals despite how much time we have in the
mission. Lucky for me, Hna Almendras and I get along super well and we don't
really have problems with unity. So my short, spiritual message for this week
is, When we have sufficient faith, nothing is impossible! Remember that always
and our lives will be a lot better. Thanks for all the prayers and support and
I love you all tons!
Con Mucho Amor,
Hermana Hansen
Monday, September 15, 2014
September 15, 2014
Querido Familia,
This past Tuesday I
had the opportunity to go to the temple for the 2nd time here in the mission
and it was beautiful and amazing as always. Our mission President always
stresses the importance of going to the temple with a question in mind, because
when we´re in the temple we are more open to receive personal revelation. My
question this week was... How can I fully give myself over to the Lord? Right
now I’m trying so hard to lose myself in this work, but sometimes it´s hard
with the daily distractions that we have every day. As I was sitting and
pondering after the session I got my answer. If I really, truly have a desire
to lose myself in this work I have to love the people, and if I want to truly
love the people I have to think of them and treat them as if they were my own
family. And that shouldn´t be so hard seeing that we literally are brothers and
sisters here on the earth. So, I made a goal that from here on out I´m going to
teach every person as if they were my brother or sister or my aunt or uncle. I
know if we have that kind of mindset it will be nearly impossible to not have
deep love for each person that we teach. But, with everything there is
opposition. In this week we lost two investigators... they told us that they
couldn´t meet with us anymore because of one thing or another or just that they
weren´t interested. It was heart breaking for me and my trainee, but we´re
moving forward with our chins up and with faith that there are other people out
there just waiting to hear about the gospel. Remember that nothing is
impossible with God and that we can overcome any obstacle with his help. I love
you all so much!
Sigan Adelante!
Much Love
Hermana Brooklyn Hansen
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